Ten international and Sri Lankan journalists were refused access to the Boosa detention camp where the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) met with detainees. The journalists had visited the camp on the invitation of the LLRC and had received permission from the head of the Media Center for National Security (MCNS) Lakshman Hulugalle who had permitted the visit. However, when the journalists arrived at the camp, they were denied access by security personnel.
Incident Date: December 30, 2010
Last modified on : March 20th, 2023
SLPI Unverified.
Keyword :
Location: Galle
Threat Type: censorship
Attached Newsroom:
Incident reference no: 2010/12/04/CP
Mode of threat: In Person
Affected Media Organization:
Current Status: Not Applicable
Source : https://nfrsrilanka.wordpress.com/2010/12/31/sri-lanka-media-access-denied-to-cover-selected-hearings-of-the-llrc-at-a-detention-camp/